Espresso Doesn’t Have to Be Fancy

If you spend much time on Instagram, you may start to develop a complex about how much money you must have to spend to make espresso at home. I mean, you just have to have a $3,000 espresso machine, $275 scale that can link up to Voyager and a $700 grinder, right?!

I’m here to tell you, no, you don’t need all that stuff. I mean, no problem who want to buy and can afford that stuff! I’ve been making damn good espresso at home for 8 years now with basic equipment, and you can, too:

  • Espresso machine is a refurbished Gaggia I bought in 2007 from Whole Lette Love for under $175. 
  • Tamper is a great one I got from Amazon for like $15.
  • Grinder is a Hario Skerton that I use only for espresso so I rarely have to adjust the burrs. $40!
  • If I’m feeling especially OCD I use the built-in timer on my iPhone and an AWS digital scale (the 2kg model) which also came from Amazon for about $12. 
  • Beans.