A Quick KC Coffee Geek Update for Readers

Hi, everyone! I don’t do this very often but rather than post a review this morning I just wanted to update you on the things going on behind the scenes at KC Coffee Geek. It’s very rare that I take the opportunity (this is the first time, maybe???!) to “chat” with readers, but I was hemming and hawing over a product review I was going to post this morning (and decided not to because it’s not in the best interest of you or this site) and when I decided to deep six the review it left me wanting to write something, so here we are! LOL

If you are a very regular reader of KC Coffee Geek you can probably tell the coffee reviews have slowed down some. A lot of that was that March/April were just sort of naturally slow in terms of roasters reaching out to me in the first place, so I took the slower pace and used it as a bit of a break from my usual heavy pace, which was a nice refresher. Just recently I took on a lot more responsibility at real work, too, so this more natural pace of posting 2-3 reviews per week at most will likely become the new normal at KC Coffee Geek (which is still a lot, if you ask me! LOL). This will allow me a little more room to try coffees multiple ways and report in on them, too, so I think this is a good thing.

Just last week I renewed hosting for another three years, so I am committed to continuing to share coffee reviews with you as long as roasters want to keep sending me coffee! I have been thinking about adding a “donate” feature to KC Coffee Geek in the event that anyone wants to throw a few dollars my way from time to time. I don’t have the time to produce extra content via Patreon or anything that extensive. I spend a little over $150/year for site hosting and I don’t have advertising revenue that generates any income for the site to offset that, nor do I really want to start that, if I’m being perfectly honest. I like having sidebar ads for companies I like, such as MyCoffeePub.com and I don’t want to have Google ads or other things on my site that track your behaviors and inundate you with more commercial garbage. But, it’d be cool to lose less money if I could offset that somehow. And, heck, if I ran a positive balance that would mean being able to seek out coffees from other roasters who don’t provide samples or do product reviews of things I KNOW you readers are interested in. If you have opinions about how to best do this or etc, shoot me an email or leave a comment and let’s chat about it.

That’s really about it! I have some good coffees in the queue to share with you and it’s pretty much business as usual here on my end, so say hello in the comments or post an opinion about a “donate” button or whatever and stay tuned for more coffee talk soon (and by soon I mean tomorrow!).